The main difference Between Creativity and Innovation

I believe creativity is definitely thinking up new concepts/things. Innovation is causeing this to be new concept/thing practical inside a novel way. Creativity is dreaming up a brand new invention and inventhelp is which makes it real in any unique way. Whenever you bring something totally new into existence it is possible to say you created it. You can not say you innovated it. And again whenever you improve something which already exists you can't say you created it however, you know you innovated it.

Henry Ford created the assembly line for car production. Asia perfected this idea by introducing their own innovations/changes/improvements. Many are creative but they are not innovate enough to make their creations practical. Innovation makes creativity practical and efficient. Most inventors fail because they're not innovative enough. Most painters are creative however when they introduce innovation in their creation/art they become artists. Without creativity there's no product/concept that really needs implementation and when something new is assumed up it requires innovation. Research and development is approximately innovation. Sometimes innovation can result in a realization of the creation being impractical and thus this new creative idea may be abandoned plus a new creative idea might be born thus innovation can result in creativity. Innovation is giving a brand new direction to a existing idea.

There's confusion and fuzziness between creativity and innovation because indeed innovation is about creating new methods to implement the existing/created concept. Thus both of them have creativity included. Innovation also involves aspects of creativity.

All PhD courses are for researching innovative methods for doing the existing stuff in better and more efficient ways. Innovation is approximately solving existing problems. At a deeper level innovation is research. In the research institutes they may be creating better and better innovations for existing solutions. You don't need to require a PhD for creativity however for innovation on the cutting edge highest level a PhD is nearly a vital requirement. In fact in the university level innovation is preferred over creativity. For just about any new ideas are doubted till they can be scientifically defined, measured and tested which involves complex and time-consuming investigations not to mention finances. However something that is used and has proved its utility then any improvement through innovation is accepted whole heartedly. My very own invention, 'Vacuum power generators' is founded on a sound principle that, 'nature abhors a vacuum'; however it was rejected on the highest quantity of a Government because of another sound principle 'The law of conservation of energy'. The law of conservation of energy claims that the vitality you put in will give back less because of friction. However in nature you can find exceptions to the law! Hydrolic pressure, fulcrum power all give back more energy chances are they consume. And vacuum power is the fulcrum of wind power. However it is an unproven and too radical an idea and in addition requires lots of money to make a proto type. However my little innovation of tweaking just a little improvement within the baby milk bottle I had been able to sell right away.

Creativity is essential for innovation to get a product must exist no less than in the concept stage for you personally cannot innovate something that does not exist. Thus innovation depends upon creativity while creativity doesn't depend upon innovation. Though the better success of creativity depends upon innovation.

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